Check out this month's Tai Chi Special. Quick, it expires March 31.

What Students Are Saying About Us
Sifu Dale has the ability to observe and make small course corrections that give long term results.
Dr. Karen Bartley, 40, Physician, Monroe NCEverything from my concentration to understanding points of power and flow of movement have been improved during my time studying Tai Chi Chuan. My mental concentration especially has improved vastly during my continuous training.
Jessie Kleinmeier, 26, Manager, Charlotte NCSifu Dale is exceptional in his teaching and his ability to see the needs of his student.
Ken Simpson, 69, Hospital Surgical Pt Rep, Charlotte NCThey opened my mind to challenge myself physically and in a compassionate way. I have noticed increased joint pain and stiffness in the absence of tai chi practice. Also Increased anxiety in response to stress, and less emotional balance. I miss it. I take better care of myself overall when I’m more aware of my body and balance.
Ginny S., 58, Mooresville NCDemonstrably helped my blood pressure, balance, posture/height, even as age continues to erode all. Both my PCP doctor and orthopedist are big believers in what they see I have accomplished and have stressed that I need to continue.
Pat Blackwell, 81, Mooresville NCI have dislocated one hip 4 times, because I was careless. Likely I would have had to have had it replaced without Tai Chi to help with the strengthening (the surgeon threatened that) and constant reminders to be fully aware of what we're doing. Breathing exercises and meditation have been emotional and mental life-savers, if not physically, and those I do use daily!
Pat Blackwell, 81, Mooresville NCI think it has helped me with my stress. I've been incorporating more meditation into my week.
Susan McRitchie, 63, Huntersville, NCSifu Dale has a good knowledge of Tai Chi and a clarity of communication. A good example of someone who has worked hard to learn the art and now has the ability to pass it on to others. He uses his sense of humor to connect with students.
Charles Butler, 65, Consultant, Charlotte NCSince taking Tai Chi I have become even calmer and more relaxed.
Tim Starnes, 42, Retired Military, Charlotte NCThe classes have developed into a regular exercise/meditation regime. I have dropped 10 1lbs of excess weight and put on 5 lbs of muscle. My balance is better, my heart rate is better, my blood pressure is better. My mind is beginning to be more calm.
Wm. Beau Wagner, 64, Mooresville, NCI have more confidence that I can do what ever needs to be done. I recover from illnesses and injury more quickly. I have more energy than some of my friends - and they are in their 20's and 30's.
Dale Saufley, 49, Inside Sales/Marketing, Charlotte NCSifu Dale has patience, forbearance, humility and humor, combined with the ability to communicate and show others how.
Michael Ballantyne, 60, Quality Manager, Charlotte NCAnyone looking for an EXCELLENT Tai Chi instructor will not be disappointed with Sifu Dale!
Rhonda Skains, Internet Marketing and Training Consultant, Charlotte NC