What Do Beans, Bananas, and Pancakes Have In Common?

Photo collage courtesy of lobster20, numanzaa, and nuchylee/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Do you love food? So do I. Do you love to celebrate? Yeah. me too! What do you get when you put the two together? Food Celebrations!! And that’s exactly what we have each and every month. February is ripe with some pretty tasty ones.
February Foods of the Month
This month we celebrate:
- Avocado and Banana Month
- Beans (Dried and Fresh) Month
- Exotic Vegetables and Star Fruit Month
- Grapefruit Month
- National Cherry Month
- Sweet Potato Month
With so much variety, it’s easy to overlook some of these tasty foods. Any vegetable you don’t eat regularly can be considered an exotic vegetable. So take a trip through your grocery store’s produce section and try some Kale, or Brussels Sprouts, or even an Avocado!
Weekly Food Celebrations
National Pancake Week, February 10 to 16
Pancakes are a go-to Sunday Breakfast food for us. Our daughter prefers Chocolate Chips on hers, I like bananas and my wife likes them with almonds on top. My all-time favorite pancake recipe is Alton Brown’s. It’s quick, easy, and delicious. This would be the week to try it for yourself.
National Date Week, February 15 to 24
Remember that scene in the Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark where the plate of dates was laced with poison and Salah smacked the date out of Indy’s hand mere moments before he ate it because he saw that the monkey had died from eating a date? I’ve been leery of eating dates since then. It’s been 32 years, maybe I should get over it.
Food Celebration Days
Bubble Gum Day, February 1
Not really a food, but there’s nothing wrong with having some fun with your food. Besides, it can be good for your teeth. Make sure to choose one that doesn’t have any artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors. Our favorite is Glee Gum.
Crepe Day, February 2
A fancy pancake! You can find a crepe recipe in almost every culture. Savory or sweet, they can be had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack.
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, February 2
Enough said! You can even have it with crepes!
Pancake Day, February 12 The highlight of Pancake Week.
You should have pancakes for every meal today.
Chocolate Mint Day, February 19
Who can deny the awesome taste combination of Chocolate and Mint?
National Chili Day, February 28
For me, Chili is a classic cold-weather food. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been that cold in Charlotte in recent years, so I haven’t been making Chili. Maybe this year I’ll make a 3-Bean Vegetarian Chili, I might even try this recipe.
Celebrate the bounty of our Earth and hearth. If you’re wondering what’s for dinner tonight, I just gave you 14 ideas.
Thanks to Brownielocks for keeping track of this merriment.