Practicing your fundamentals can improve your success
Tai Chi

Master The Fundamentals For A Better Life

How to Get More of What You Desire by Doing More of What You Know Musician: “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” Cabbie: “Practice, practice, practice.” An old joke for sure, but in that pithy response lies a simple truth. To get anywhere in life, you need to practice. But what to practice, you…

Celebrate March Foods!

March Foods to Sing About

Fruits, Leeks, and Chocolate … Oh My! As Spring begins to make it’s entrance into our daily lives, the cold dampness of Winter still won’t release her icy grip. March has quite a diverse palate for us to celebrate with. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

Tai Chi is not just or Senior Citizens
Tai Chi

Tai Chi … Not Just For Seniors

Tai Chi Misconception #1 One of the biggest misconceptions about Tai Chi, is that it is only practiced by old people in the park. Nothing could be further from the truth! It is true that the forms, postures, and techniques that we learn in Tai Chi have many benefits that make it an ideal fitness…

Resolve Now to Make 2013 Your Best Year Ever

 Happy 2013! I hope 2012 turned out better than you expected. If it hasn’t, you have within your grasp the power to change that for 2013. Resolve now to make 2013 your best year ever. And why not? No one says you can’t! All you need are some goals (what you want), some actions (what…


Tai Chi and Focus

How an ancient Martial Art can improve your focus to enhance your love life, get that promotion, and get more done in less time You’ve been through it 3 times already, or has it been 4, and you still can’t get it. The instructions seemed simple enough. Even the guy at the store said you’d…


Have You Crossed Your Health Red Line?

Five Simple Steps To Avoid Crossing Your Health Red Line Before You Cross Life’s Finish Line   A battle is being waged. It is a battle for supremacy. A battle for survival. It is also a battle to the death! And this battle is being fought by every person on the planet. It is the…


Are You Loving The New Calorie Counts On Menus?

How Listing Calorie Counts Can Make You Fat(ter) McDonald’s recently announced that they will be listing calorie counts of all food items on their menus. So now, when you order that Big Mac®, Fries, and a Coke® (don’t forget to super-size it), you’ll know exactly how many calories you are consuming, which is 1,360 calories….