
Four Holiday Stress Busters for 2020

The winter holiday season is known to be a stressful time for many in the U.S. Some who look forward to the holidays find themselves overwhelmed despite their excitement, and some dread the holidays because of trauma, loneliness and financial strain. In 2020 we can expect the holiday season to carry significant additional stresses related…

Celebrate March Foods!

March Foods to Sing About

Fruits, Leeks, and Chocolate … Oh My! As Spring begins to make it’s entrance into our daily lives, the cold dampness of Winter still won’t release her icy grip. March has quite a diverse palate for us to celebrate with. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet

50 Shades of Gray in the Kitchen - Using the Grayscale to Determine Food Choices

50 Shades of Gray in the Kitchen

Using the Grayscale to Determine Food Choices Most people think of food as bad or good. Black or white. You’re either eating good (healthy) or bad (unhealthy). If you think of bad foods as black and good foods as white, it’s easy to get caught up in the good vs. evil debate. Did you like…


The Tai Chi Approach to the Cold and Flu Season

Recover Faster From the Common Cold with These Simple Tips It never fails. The weather turns cooler and you start to sniffle and before you know it, your nose is redder than Rudolph’s on Christmas Eve and you’re you’re tearing through boxes of tissues faster than you can sneeze! When I was a kid, I…


Tai Chi and Focus

How an ancient Martial Art can improve your focus to enhance your love life, get that promotion, and get more done in less time You’ve been through it 3 times already, or has it been 4, and you still can’t get it. The instructions seemed simple enough. Even the guy at the store said you’d…


Have You Crossed Your Health Red Line?

Five Simple Steps To Avoid Crossing Your Health Red Line Before You Cross Life’s Finish Line   A battle is being waged. It is a battle for supremacy. A battle for survival. It is also a battle to the death! And this battle is being fought by every person on the planet. It is the…

The #1 Key To Staying Young

Enjoy Life Into Your Golden Years, And Beyond! Looking around today, I see a lot of Senior Citizens doing the shuffle. No, it’s not a new dance craze for the senior set. It’s the way they walk, shuffling one foot in front of the other, sometimes with a cane in hand to keep their balance….

Tai Chi

It’s Good To Be The Turtle

You’ve probably seen the YouTube video that depicts a Tai Chi fight. Two guys in silk pajamas moving very, very slow to great comedic effect. You can view it here. While we’d never fight at that pace, in Tai Chi we do train at a slow, even, comfortable pace. The reasons for this are simple….